Sunday, Oct 24, 2021 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Presenter - Future Events : Gullveig Location - Future Events : Everything Just Rocks
Join astrologer Evelyn Steeb and Intuitive and Shamanic Energy Healer, Gullveig, for this event. Gain clarity and align with helpful energy during this Aries full moon event. As the planets Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury start to move forward out of retrograde, things are starting to shift forward slowly. Aries is the sign of inspiration and confidence.
Because this ceremony is approaching the harvest celebration of Samhain, Gullveig will introduce the Norse goddess Sif, who is the goddess of harvest and wife of Thor, who is the god of thunder and lightning. Evelyn Steeb will reveal how the alignment of the full moon is affecting us and discuss the Aries full moon.
Following we will have a meditation and sacred fire ceremony to help us gain guidance and momentum in this journey called life.
Just a small glimpse of what we will be covering in this full moon session.
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