Sunday, Dec 19, 2021 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Presenter - Future Events : N/A Location - Future Events : Everything Just Rocks
This is incredible pricing for this SUNDAY ONLY. Regular Session rates are from $265 -$500 per session/hr.
Tina will be offering all her talents and gifts during her private readings not just her specialty of Ancestral DNA Clearing!
Below is what Tina is offering in her private sessions at Everything Just Rocks:
Advanced Ancestral Clearing
Pet Clearing Healing
LightWave Healing
~Akashic Record Blueprinting
~Chakra Clearing & Elemental Balancing
~Essential Programming
~Frequency Infusions
~Youthening & Body Reshaping
~Lightwave DNA Upgrades
Star Magic Healing*
~Shadow Parasite Removal*
~Negative Implant Removal*
~Wellness Body Scans & He
~Emotional Healing
~Physical Restoration*
The Reconnection Healing
The Personal Reconnection Healing
Vogel Crystal Wand Healing
Other Sessions Available:
Archetypes (Tarot, Animals)
Chiron Classes
Conscious Creation
Death & Dying
Divine Counterparts (Soul Mates, Twin Flame Union)
Feminine & Masculine Divine Balancing
Forgiveness & Karmic Patterns
Inner Child
North Node Classes
Shadow Work
Starseed Sessions
Soul Song Journey & Life Purpose
Your DNA determines your physical traits, characteristics, and even dis-eases that you inherited from your ancestral gene pool. Mainstream science now provides cutting edge research in Epigenomics, how DNA transmits our ancestral histories from parents to child. These ancestral histories can cast long shadows in future generations; passing down the pain of our ancestors to us.
You or your family may not have experienced war, genocide, violence, or famine, etc., however it may be in your DNA from your ancestors who did. The world’s history is filled with such travesties, (and more!) and it can be affecting you and your family right now.
COST: $133/hr all sessions are an hour or longer.
***Please contact Tina Campbell directly at 928-963-4295 to reserve your space and make payment.***
Tina will also be offering custom Activation Oils & supporting crystals for you to help you alchemize your new clearing.
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